SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Certificate: Landscape Irrigation 
66429  National Certificate: Landscape Irrigation 
SGB Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape 
AgriSETA - Agriculture SETA  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 01 - Agriculture and Nature Conservation  Horticulture 
Undefined  120  Level 2  NQF Level 02  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


This qualification provides learners with a comprehensive base of portable skills that will enable them to progress within all spheres of the horticultural industry. This qualification forms an integral step in the career paths of the various disciplines in ornamental horticulture and follows on from the Level 1 Certificate. For those already employed in the industry, this qualification will offer learners the opportunity to hone their skills and receive recognition for their competencies.

A Learner achieving this qualification will be able to work effectively and productively within the field of irrigation knowing how to:
  • Apply the health and safety principles in the horticultural industry specifically as they relate to irrigation.
  • Provide water to plants in the landscape according to a schedule and ensuring the quality of water remains suitable and according to requirements of the horticultural environment.
  • Install, operate and maintain irrigation systems including the monitoring thereof.

    For those wishing to enter the industry, whether unemployed or as an Entrepreneur, this qualification offers a solid foundation in all aspects of the horticultural industry. This qualification represents a vital step in the development of a career and learning pathway of individuals, both from a vocational point of view, as well as from a learning point of view.


    South Africa is essentially a dry country and water is therefore a critical resource that requires careful management. Considering that the horticultural industry cannot survive without the application of water, it is vital that the workforce in this industry are well trained to understand the importance of careful planning, correct installation, efficient operation and ongoing and consistence maintenance of the irrigation systems.

    The fact that South Africa will host the 2010 World Cup Soccer tournament means that sport fields will need to comply to the best international standards and will therefore require ongoing quality maintenance leading up to and during the tournament, as well as thereafter. To achieve this, the quality of the irrigation systems installed need to be top class.

    Through this qualification, the learner will become conversant with the implications that a lack of attention to planning, installation, operation and maintenance will have on the performance of an irrigation system, and on the availability and cost of wasted water. The impact on the environment will also be understood.

    The qualification will facilitate job creation and self employment opportunities, while furthering the aims of economic empowerment in South Africa.

    The qualification includes the skills necessary to apply safety principles in all aspects of working with irrigation systems, the skills needed to install, use, operate and maintain the irrigation systems, as well as understanding the importance of scheduling the application and rate of watering to the horticultural environment while considering the impact on the environment itself.

    As the qualification is based on the common core of the preceding Level 1 qualification, it embodies the principle of portability and is integral to further learning, despite its focus being on the more specialised field of irrigation. Through the wide scope of electives, the specialisations of the various sectors are catered for.

    The sectors of the horticultural industry that will benefit from this qualification include:
  • Landscape construction and maintenance.
  • Amenity horticulture.
  • Sports turf.
  • Plant propagation.
  • Interior plantscaping.
  • Retail nurseries.

    This qualification addresses both the current and future needs of horticulture in South Africa. 

    The industry will encourage potential Learners to embark on this qualification as it has universal relevance to the industry and is nationally recognized. Learners who would like to access this qualification should have demonstrated competency in:
  • Literacy and Numeracy at NQF Level 1.
  • ID 119687: Demonstrate a basic understanding of the horticultural industry.

    Recognition of Prior Learning:

    The qualification may be achieved wholly or in part through the Recognition of Prior Learning and the qualification may be granted to learners who have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses providing they can demonstrate competence in the outcomes of the individual Unit Standards as required by the Fundamental, Core and Elective areas stipulated in the Qualification and by the Exit Level Outcomes

    An RPL process may also be used to credit learners with Unit Standards in which they have developed the necessary competency as a result of workplace and experiential learning. 


    The certificate is made up of a planned combination of learning outcomes that have a defined purpose and will provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a foundation for further learning.

    The qualification consists of a minimum of 120 credits, composed of:
  • Fundamental: 36 credits (compulsory).
  • Core: 64 credits (compulsory).
  • Electives: Learners must choose suitable Unit Standards from the listed elective to obtain a total of not less than 20 credits. 

    1. Operate a manual irrigation system and schedule the applications to suit the plants water requirements.

    2. Identify the various types of piping used in irrigation and install these in an irrigation system.

    3. Utilise the appropriate sprinkler to provide the optimum watering to suit the planted area.

    4. Utilise manual and automatic control valves to operate an irrigation system.

    5. Utilise manual and automatic controlled filters to ensure that sprinklers are able to operate at their best. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:

    1.1 Watering frequencies for various plants are determined in relation to prevailing climatic conditions.
    1.2 Operating periods for the various zones of an irrigation system are selected to ensure that applications suit the plant's requirements and the soil's infiltration rate.
    1.3 Basic maintenance procedures and techniques are utilised to effect minor repairs to irrigation equipment.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:

    2.1 The basic principles of hydraulics are described in terms of their application in irrigation systems.
    2.2 The distinction between the various classes of irrigation piping are explained with regard to their pressure ratings.
    2.3 The characteristics of the different types of high pressure piping are described within the context of their use in irrigation mainlines.
    2.4 The characteristics of the different types of low pressure piping are described within the context of their use in irrigation spraylines.
    2.5 The fittings used to connect the various types of piping are identified and the techniques to install these are demonstrated on different irrigation equipment.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:

    3.1 The unique characteristics of drippers are described in terms of their low pressure requirements and suitability for small areas in landscaping.
    3.2 The features and benefits of cone sprays are explained with regard to their fine droplets and suitability for flowerbeds.
    3.3 The operating characteristics of rotary sprinklers are explained with regard to their efficient coverage of large areas and suitability for lawns.
    3.4 The techniques to install the various types of sprinklers are demonstrated in a typical landscape.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:

    4.1 The characteristics of the different hand operated valves are described in relation to the ease of operation and suitability for a sprayline or for isolation.
    4.2 The function of a footvalve and a non return valve are explained within the context of preventing a backflow in various irrigation and pump systems.
    4.3 The importance of installing a pressure reducing valve on a high pressure feed is explained in terms of the protection it gives to the various irrigation pipes and equipment.
    4.4 The function of air release valves and vacuum breakers is described in relation to the purging of air from irrigation mainlines.
    4.5 The many uses that a solenoid valve may perform in an irrigation system are described in terms of the automatic control of sprinkler spraylines reservoir filling.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:

    5.1 The necessity of having a filter element that suits the required water quality is explained in terms of the application of the relevant selection criteria.
    5.2 The advantages of using a self flushing filter system are explained in regard to the ability to automatically flush the filters before they become dirty.
    5.3 The importance of correctly positioning the filters in the irrigation system is explained in terms of the ease of maintenance.
    5.4 The need to install pressure gauges on either side of a filter is explained in terms of monitoring the pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of the filter the objectives.

    Integrated Assessment:

    The integrated assessment allows the Learners the opportunity to show that they are able to utilize concepts, ideas and actions across unit standards. This will allow Learners to achieve competency that is in keeping with the purpose of the qualification.

    An integrated assessment will indicate how theoretical learning is demonstrated in a practical environment in such a way that the application of the work learnt becomes second nature.

    In conducting an assessment, the quality of the performance must also be evaluated i.e. both the performance and the thinking behind the action must be qualitative.

    The assessment should include both formative and summative options and should use various assessment tools i.e. not by observation only. It is suggested that a Portfolio of Assessment form part of the summative assessment, with practical outcomes being demonstrated in a simulated or real work place situation.

    A broad range of task-orientated and theoretical tools may be used, with the distinction between practical knowledge and disciplinary knowledge being maintained.

    Unit Standards in the qualification must be used to assess the specific and Critical Cross Field Outcomes. It is recommended that the assessment tools give Learners the opportunity to account for their decision-making and problem solving in line with the Specific Outcomes and related Assessment Criteria.

    As a result of this qualification being generic in forming the foundation for a career in horticulture, Learners should be assessed in occupational contexts and activities. The assessment should ensure that the foundational skills are portable and prepare them for further learning, whatever career path they may choose. 

    South Africa is essentially a dry country and water is therefore a critical resource that requires careful management. In this regard the South African irrigation industry, governed by the Landscape Irrigation Association (LIA) and the South African Agricultural Irrigation Institute (SAAII). These bodies are responsible for ensuring that the standards of planning, installation, operation and maintenance of the irrigation systems in the horticultural and agricultural environments are set and maintained to world class standards.

    The landscape irrigation industry has links to the major international irrigation bodies such as the IA (Irrigation Association) of the United States and information is regularly shared. This ensures that the South African landscape irrigation industry remains at the forefront of international developments. In terms of climate, Australia has similar climatic zones and conditions to South Africa. Their landscape irrigation industry is well advanced and specialisation is conducted from level 1. In contrast, other countries have elected to begin their specialisations at NQF Levels 2 or NQF Level 3.
    Various factors influence this, the most notable include:
  • Adverse climatic conditions which restrict normal horticultural activities.
  • Economic constraints, typically the poorly developed economies where horticulture has a low priority.
  • Relatively small markets, where economies of scale preclude specialisation.

    To obtain an African perspective the qualifications of the following SADC countries were investigated: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    From a global viewpoint these countries are typified as developing nations, with a primary focus on subsistence. Consequently agricultural training is paramount to ensuring food security for their populations and as a result the areas landscape irrigation systems are few, with the majority occurring in the hotel and tourist destinations. These systems are usually contracted to South African irrigation companies. As a consequence no specific landscape irrigation training is conducted in these areas. Their staff who maintain these landscapes are either sourced from South Africa or they obtain their training from the LIA or our tertiary institutions.

    Specialisations such as pumps and pump maintenance are catered for in the elective unit standards of these qualifications. This ensures portability and yet allows learners to progress in their particular field of specialisation from level 3 for most sectors of the industry, but from level 2 with respect to irrigation.

    Various international qualifications with similar content to this qualification were sourced. In examining these, the following have been used for comparison, although they do not necessarily address the subjects from the same perspective, they do contain aspects relevant to those used in South Africa. The following qualifications and the particular unit standards that were selected for comparison with various components of this qualification are listed hereunder.


    The landscape and horticultural industry in Australia has a similar profile to that of South Africa and their irrigation industry operates at a similar level to that in South Africa, evidenced by the fact that specialisations in a specific field occurs at an entry level.

    Certificate II in Irrigation: Reference No RTE20203 Of all the worldwide searches that were conducted, this level 2 qualification has the greatest similarity to its South African counterpart.
    The relevant unit standards are as follows:

    Reference No RTE2602A-Assist with the operation of pressurised irrigation systems:
  • This level 2 unit standard is concerned with the operation of sprinkler and emitter irrigation that is commonly used in the plant propagation and landscaping environments.
  • The "Utilize irrigation equipment and operate manual sprinkler systems" unit standard incorporates a similar approach to the above with an emphasis on water conservation and preventative maintenance procedure.

    Reference No RTE2603A-Lay irrigation and/or drainage pipes:
  • This level 2 unit standard covers the techniques and procedures used in the installation of piping in a horticultural environment.
  • The "Install irrigation piping in landscaped areas" unit standard follows similar principles and practices with the above with the exception of drainage piping, which is usually regarded as being part of the site preparation that occurs prior to an irrigation installation.

    Reference No RTE2606A-Maintain pressurised irrigation systems:
  • This level 2 unit standard covers the maintenance for an irrigation system. It focuses on the repair and replacement of basic, simple components under routine supervision. It also requires that records and reports of maintenance observations and activities are completed.
  • The "Maintain landscape and sports turf irrigation systems" unit standard in essence, follows the same procedures and methodology, but includes the drafting of an annual irrigation schedule.

    United Kingdom:

    There are Unit Standards available at level 3 covering Automatic Turf Irrigation System but not at level 2. Short practical courses are offered by the various irrigation product distributors.

    New Zealand:

    There is only one Unit Standard "Demonstrate knowledge of irrigation systems used in horticulture" which is registered at level 2. It serves to give an overview of the various methods used in watering plants, but it does not give the detail knowledge which the National Certificate Landscape Irrigation seeks to address.


    No irrigation or comparable horticultural one year certificates were found in the Scottish qualifications framework that. To address their needs, short courses in landscape irrigation are conducted. 

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • ID 48975: National Certificate: Plant Production.
  • ID 59389: National Certificate: Resource Guardianship..
  • ID 49410: National Certificate: Construction..

    Vertical Articulation:
  • ID 49052: National Certificate: Plant Production. 

  • Anyone assessing a learner against these unit standards must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA and have experience or in depth knowledge of the horticultural industry.
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of these unit standards or will assess these unit standards must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA.
  • Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines in the qualification and the agreed ETQA procedure.
  • Therefore anyone wishing to be assessed against these unit standards may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution which is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    Assessors must:
  • Be accredited as an assessor by the relevant ETQA.
  • Have experience or in depth knowledge of the horticultural industry, specifically as it relates to ornamental aspects.
  • Meet any other requirements that may be stipulated by the relevant ETQA.
  • Hold a qualification in Horticulture or Agriculture at NQF Level 5 or higher. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 

    Core  119714  Demonstrate an understanding of the role and requirements of water in plants  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  119691  Backfill compact and replant grass sods and plants in irrigation trenches  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  119701  Create an awareness of enviromental protection  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  119699  Excavate irrigation trenches in established landscapes  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  264040  Install automatic and manual control valves in an irrigation system  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Core  119700  Install irrigation piping in trenches  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Core  264036  Install irrigation sprinklers and emitters in landscaped areas  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Core  264039  Install manual and automatic filters for an irrigation system  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  263995  Schedule the application of water to plants and landscapes  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  264058  Utilise health and safety principles in horticulture  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  264017  Utilize irrigation equipment and operate manual sprinkler systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  115000  Demonstrate understanding of everyday aural texts in X  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7480  Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  114998  Demonstrate understanding of selected texts in X  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9008  Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  12444  Measure, estimate and calculate physical quantities and explore, describe and represent geometrical relationships in 2-dimensions in different life or workplace contexts  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  114999  Speak and respond in everyday situations in X  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7469  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9007  Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  114993  Write texts on relevant topics in X  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  116077  Monitor water quality  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  116066  Operate and maintain specific irrigation systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  254076  Demonstrate knowledge of hydraulics and flow measurement in water and wastewater systems  Level 3  NQF Level 03  12 
    Elective  260723  Install, test and maintain a basic fluid power system  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  253391  Maintain centrifugal pumps  Level 3  NQF Level 03  14 
    Elective  264041  Maintain landscape and sportsturf irrigation systems  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  253497  Maintain positive displacement pumps  Level 3  NQF Level 03  10 
    Elective  116212  Maintain water quality parameters  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  116266  Monitor the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  254066  Operate a reticulation pump station  Level 3  NQF Level 03  10 
    Elective  11780  Understand and apply basic plumbing principles  Level 3  NQF Level 03 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Action Development Agency (ADA) 
    2. Adonai Capital and Farming 
    3. African Sky Trainig Academy 
    4. Agri RDA Holdings Pty Ltd 
    5. Agriesy Investment Pty Ltd 
    6. Agriroots (Pty) Ltd 
    7. Alvans Training Academy 
    8. Arcadian Varsity College 
    9. Bafikile Skills and Consulting Services 
    10. Bakgalaka Bakopane (Pty) Ltd 
    11. Balemi Consulting Pty Ltd 
    12. Balimi Skills (Pty) Ltd 
    13. BC Landscape Training and Consultancy cc 
    14. Bintjus Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    15. Bodav Consultancy & Business Enterprise 
    16. Boland Agri Training & Community Development Centre 
    17. Bonwelong Skills Development (PTY) LTD 
    18. Brightspark Academy 
    19. Brucol Global Development Pty Ltd 
    20. Calvin Projects Managements PTY LTD 
    21. Chisomo Projects(Pty) Ltd 
    22. Corporate Skills Development Services 
    23. Cosmopolitan College (Pty) Ltd 
    24. Dambanyik Consulting 
    25. Davhana Training and Development (Pty)Ltd 
    26. Dependable Mate Consulting and Training Pty Ltd 
    27. Design Reimagined (Pty) Ltd 
    28. Dieketseng Training Centre (Pty) Ltd 
    29. Dimpho Makgoba Pty Ltd 
    30. Dinako tsa Marang Consultancy 
    31. Dominant Impression 7 
    32. Emaculate Trading and Projects (pty) ltd 
    33. Embo Skills Development Centre Pty Ltd 
    34. Enriched Agriculture Enterprise Pty Ltd 
    35. Farmgro TP 
    36. Fhumu Skills Development and Consultant 
    37. Gauteng City College 
    38. Godloti (Pty) Ltd 
    39. Green Identity (Pty) Ltd 
    40. Hail Him Skils Development and Training 
    41. Havella Gold Training and Consulting Pty Ltd 
    42. Havohej Consultancy Cc 
    43. Hidophase Pty Ltd 
    44. Hlaudi Assets Vanguard Consultancy 
    45. Hlombe and Associates (Pty) Ltd 
    46. Holistic Business Connection 
    47. HS Training Institute Pty Ltd 
    48. Ingcali Agricultural Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    49. Inyapa Vhusiku Consulting Pty Ltd 
    50. Ithembalihle Training and Development 
    51. ITM Training and Security Services Pty Ltd 
    52. Iviyo Landscaping (Pty) Ltd 
    54. Jolaros Trading and Peojects 
    55. Just Goodwill 1921 Organization NPO 
    56. K-Man Training and Consulting Pty Ltd 
    57. Kalewe Investment Group 
    58. Kenmab Training Centre 
    59. KEZ Enterprises and Consulting 
    60. Khamel Training Consultants 
    61. Khumo-Matlo Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    62. KNM Africa Group 
    63. Ksasascapes 
    64. KSN Management Pty Ltd 
    65. Latent Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    66. Lathitha Training and HR Solutions 
    67. Lons Pride 
    68. Lorpen Investment Pty Ltd 
    69. Luriware Pty Ltd 
    70. Madutula Investments Pty Ltd 
    71. Mafokata Skills Development 
    72. Mahlasenola Youth Development Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    73. Majestic Life (Pty) Ltd 
    74. Makofi Consulting and Project Managers 
    75. Masikila Training Solution (Pty) LTd 
    76. Mavu Consultancy Pty Ltd 
    78. Mentowell (Pty) Ltd 
    79. Mmaseroka sa Bahlaloga Primary Co-operative Limited 
    80. Mnambithi FET College - Estcourt Campus 
    81. Modirisiwa Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    82. Molaodi Community Development Agency 
    83. Morero Agricultural Academy 
    84. Moshia Holdings Pty Ltd 
    85. Moshita Family Agric Primary Co-Operative Limited 
    86. Motsiri Training Pty Ltd 
    87. Mphekgwane Business Development 
    88. Muselwa Trading and Projects 
    89. Mzansi Agricultural College 
    90. Mzansi Farming Pty Ltd 
    91. Mzanzi Training Institute 
    92. Nashclo Pty Ltd 
    93. National English Maths Science Learning Centre Pty Ltd 
    94. Ndalo Kabawo Pty Ltd 
    95. Ndikhondinani Skills Development 
    96. Ndoro Consultants Pty Ltd 
    97. Ngwato Wa Mphela Agriculture Training Services 
    98. Nico Evirocare West Control (Pty) Ltd 
    99. Nkoanapula Trading & Projects 
    100. Nomastyl Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    101. Novi General Services 
    102. Novitec Training and Projects Pty Ltd 
    103. Ntsako Mawila Holding Pty Ltd 
    104. Number 9 and Fortfar Academy (Pty) Ltd 
    105. Nyankwavi Investment CC. 
    106. OPHIR Business Enterprise 
    107. Perennial Services 
    108. Phunamo Projects Pty Ltd 
    109. Phutabogale Accounting and Auditing 
    110. Pontsana Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    111. Prempie Business Solutions Pty Ltd 
    112. Progressive School of Business and Engineering (Pty) 
    113. Protea Agricultural Training Centre 
    114. Puno Landscaping and Training 
    115. Qibi Trading 
    116. Rag La Rog (Pty) Ltd 
    117. Rhennym Transport and Projects Pty Ltd 
    118. Saena Botany (Pty) Ltd 
    119. Sam Skills Development 
    120. Selinah The Goat Agri 
    121. Setsuwatsuwe NPC 
    122. Shalom Home Community Based Cared 
    123. Shazini Farms 
    124. Shining Future Trading and Projects 117 
    125. Shudu Business Development (Pty) Ltd 
    126. Simba Skills Consultants 
    127. Siphumezulwazi Consulting (Pty) Ltd 
    129. Stance Skills Academy Pty Ltd 
    130. Step Ahead Skills Training and Other Services 
    131. Taumpe Traders Pty Ltd 
    132. Tendani Business Network (Pty) Ltd 
    133. Thembeni Skills Development Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    134. Think n Think Group Pty Ltd 
    135. Thuto Ya Setshaba Training Services (Pty) Ltd 
    136. Thuto-Lebone Training 
    137. Tiyanane Projects 
    138. Tokelo Youth Development 
    139. TPLR and Training Services (PTY) LTD 
    140. Triple S Training & Development (Pty) Ltd 
    141. Tsiku Consulting (Pty) Ltd 
    142. TT and TD 0817 Trading Pty Ltd 
    143. Turkeshy Resources (Pty) Ltd 
    144. Ukundiza Development Institute NPC 
    145. Umgqomo Trading 
    147. Valambya Training and Business College (Pty) Ltd 
    148. Valoworx 278 
    150. Vhangona Skills Academy (Pty) Ltd 
    151. Vika Training Academy Pty Ltd 
    152. Visionary Academy 
    153. VV & Mashona Projetcts 
    154. Wa Hadzhi Project Managers 
    155. Wavhudi Business Trading 
    156. We Invest Africa Pty Ltd 
    157. Wena le Wena Trading and Projects 
    158. Zolankosi 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.