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All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |
National Diploma: Power Plant Process Control Operations |
61570 | National Diploma: Power Plant Process Control Operations | |||
SGB Power Plant Operations | ||||
EWSETA - Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority | OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework | |||
National Diploma | Field 06 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology | Manufacturing and Assembly | ||
Undefined | 241 | Level 5 | NQF Level 05 | Regular-Unit Stds Based |
Passed the End Date - Status was "Reregistered" |
SAQA 9900/00 | 2018-07-01 | 2023-06-30 | |
2024-06-30 | 2028-06-30 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. |
This qualification replaces: |
Qual ID | Qualification Title | Pre-2009 NQF Level | NQF Level | Min Credits | Replacement Status |
23736 | National Diploma: Hydro Power Plant Process Control | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 241 | Complete |
23679 | National Diploma: Fossil Power Plant Process Control | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 248 | Complete |
23734 | National Diploma: Nuclear Power Plant Process Control | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 295 | Complete |
Learners obtaining this qualification will be recognised on a national level for performing process control activities on a power plant. This qualification will ensure professionalism, proficiency and excellence in the control of Power Plant Generation Units. It will also assist in changing perceptions on the status and functional levels of process controllers in Power Plant Generation. The qualification will provide the incumbents with pride, self worth and enhance their morale. Worth to the employer will be manifested in the competence of the employee in terms of safe, sound and efficient operations performed by the process controller. This qualification will provide standards for recognition of prior learning of existing process controller competence throughout the industry and allow credits to be obtained in cross-functional learning fields. On acquiring this qualification they will have skills, knowledge and behavioural competence to perform the following: Rationale: This qualification is designed for learners who will be responsible for controlling integrated processes on a specific Power Plant from remote located control centres. This qualification is based on the power generation industry needs in building competence in the workplace for the specific Power Plant Process Control Operations. The qualification therefore sets national standards for Power Plant Control Operators in a specific Power Plant Process Control Operations environment. This qualification is a direct outcome of the revision of the ND: Power Plant Operations, NQF Level 5 suite of qualifications with ID. No. 23679, 23734 and 23736 the demand for which was based on the transformation of the existing qualifications into a qualification with specializations that meets the needs of the relevant industry, supporting the principles of the NQF and providing the flexibility of bridging into a management qualification with a strong customer focus. This qualification provides the learner with accessibility to be employed within the process control function on a specific Power Plant Unit. Other considerations in the national interest addressed by this Qualification are: |
It is assumed that learners are already competent in:
> ID 10893: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of electrical power generation. > ID 14204: Interpret basic electronic theories in Power Plant Process Control. > ID 10894: Interpret electrical circuits. > ID 10677: Interpret electrical theories. > ID 10719: Understand the operating principles of transformers. > ID 10707: Understanding the principles of magnetism. Recognition of Prior Learning: Access to the Qualification: Access is open to all learners in possession of an FETC or equivalent NQF Level 4 qualification. It is preferable that learners have completed the: |
Y |
Specialization Area 1: Hydro Power Plant Process Control Operations: Choose unit standards totalling a minimum of 145 credits from the Elective Unit Standards listed below: Total Elective Credit Component = 145 Credits. Specialization Area 2: Fossil Power Plant Process Control Operations: Choose unit standards totalling a minimum of 133 credits from the Elective Unit Standards listed below: Total Fossil Power Credits = 280 Credits. Specialization Area 3: Nuclear Power Plant Process Control Operations: Choose unit standards totalling a minimum of 198 credits from the Elective Unit Standards listed below: Total Nuclear Power Credits = 212 Credits. |
1. Demonstrate understanding of leadership concepts related to the function of first line supervision.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the fundamentals of Power Plant Engineering Concepts related to the control of power generating units. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory requirements associated with the control of power plant generating units. 4. Control power generating processes within safe operating parameters. 5. Perform continuous improvement activities on Power Plant Processes. Critical Cross-Field Outcomes: This qualification addresses the following Critical Cross-Field Outcomes, as detailed in the assessment criteria for each exit level outcome and within the unit standards associated with each exit level outcome: > Reflecting on and exploring a variety of strategies to learn more effectively. > Participating as responsible citizens in the life of local, national and global communities. > Being culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts. > Exploring education and career opportunities; and developing entrepreneurial opportunities. |
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5: Integrated Assessment: Formative Assessment: Assessment criteria for formative assessment are described in the various unit standards. Formative assessment takes place during the process of learning and assessors should use a range of appropriate assessment methods and tools that assess competence holistically. These methods include but are not limited to the following: The assessment tools and methods used by the assessor must be: Summative Assessment: Summative assessment is carried out at the end of each competence level to assess the achievement of the learner. A detailed portfolio of evidence is required to prove the practical, foundational and reflective competencies of the learner. Assessors and Moderators: |
The Nuclear Power Plant qualifications are based on a study conducted by the Power Plant Standards Generating Body working groups on the qualifications available in various countries with leading power producers. From the countries reviewed it was concluded that the UK model (with minor changes) was the most applicable to the South African context and as such adopted as the basis for these qualifications. This qualification was further reviewed and developed taking into account the USA training programmes and content. A final review was done to ensure that it met the SAQA requirements for registration. Benchmark Background The USA has the most utilities and structured training programmes but they do not have a structured national qualifications network similar to the NQF, however, the same principles apply as far as analysis, design, development and evaluation of the training programmes is concerned. The USA nuclear industry standard is governed by the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission). The standard of training is ensured by accrediting all training programmes to requirements as set out and evaluated by Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). The Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) is applied throughout all the US nuclear programmes resulting in a structured training curriculum (task list) consisting of main objectives and specific outcomes similar to the core and electives as laid out in this qualification. The tasks are given a rating based on knowledge and ability required to perform the task and from this the frequency of the training is determined. The task list does not have credits coupled to the learning components. INPO award accreditation status to a utility based on documented proof of the training programmes meeting the INPO standard. The accreditation status gets renewed every four years based on an evaluation report compiled by an audit team and presented at an accreditation board meeting. INPO award recognition to the candidates completing the nuclear training programmes in a similar fashion by awarding a certificate once an accredited programme is completed by a learner. It can be concluded that although not the same, the INPO practices are similar to the principles applicable to this qualification. The core elements are the same for a similar type nuclear facility. The main difference is seen in the elective and fundamental elements. Major differences noted are soft skills and generic fossil elements are not covered in the INPO task list. The USA takes credit for the elective and fundamental elements in the national education system. Benchmark Matrix: Nuclear Power Plant Operations: Criteria; SA; USA; UKL: Matrix Information Utility: Internationally the USA has the most utilities and the best structured training programmes. It is recommended that the USA should be utilised as the main country to benchmark nuclear qualifications against. The main differences encountered were the fact that the USA does not have a National structured qualification framework similar to South Africa. The South African training programme content was developed, implemented and maintained in accordance with their nuclear training programmes. The programmes were found to be well developed and tested to meet the industry demand and SAQA requirements. In terms of the qualification model completeness, the UK model was the one chosen and eventually used as the benchmark. Roles: The role of Operator is defined as the person performing duties as a field operator. The role of Controller is the person controlling integrated, interrelated processes from a control room. The only country using the operator to perform maintenance duties is Germany. In the nuclear field the maintenance duties are normally not performed by the operating staff but by specialist maintenance personnel. Framework Levels: Qualifications obtained in this learning field for Nuclear, Fossil and Hydro Power Plants consist of five certificates, three diplomas and one first degree. NQF/NVO Levels and Credits: NQF Level 3-209 Credits, NQF Level 4-293 Credits and NQF Level 5-380 Credits. Accreditation/Quality Assurance: In South Africa with Eskom as the only Nuclear utility, Koeberg power station achieved a fully fledged INPO accreditation. Quality in terms of best practices is assured worldwide by the International Organisation, WANO. In conclusion it was decided that in terms of the qualification model completeness, the UK model was regarded as the best to benchmark this qualification against, with the content of the United States of America (USA) qualifications also playing a prominent role in it. |
This qualification provides the learner with the flexibility to pursue different careers in the power generation industry. The level of flexibility within the range of elective utilities (hydro, nuclear, fossil and electrical control) will allow the individual to pursue further learning within those development areas.
This Qualification allows for vertical articulation with: |
The assessor must be:
As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. |
As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. This qualification replaces the following qualifications:
Computer Literacy where applicable must cover topics concerning word processing, spreadsheets and electronic mail. |
Core | 14048 | Apply Self Management Concepts | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Core | 14045 | Apply Transformational Leadership by Interacting with Key Stakeholders | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Core | 116407 | Control frequency and voltages in an Islanding condition on electrical networks | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Core | 116084 | Demonstrate an understanding of the Principles of Process Control Loops | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 10 |
Core | 14056 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of earthing practices on alternating current power systems | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 2 |
Core | 14058 | Describe instrumentation control within a process control system | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 9 |
Core | 10897 | Explain transformer characteristics applied on power systems | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 2 |
Core | 120377 | Identify, suggest and implement corrective actions to improve quality of project work | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 7 |
Core | 13803 | Phasing and or synchronising on high voltage intergrated systems | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Core | 10689 | Understand electrical protection systems associated with power generating processes | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Core | 10933 | Understand the principles of alternating current (AC) motor operation and application in a process plant | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Core | 14049 | Understands, Applies and Displays Constructive Thinking | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Core | 115753 | Conduct outcomes-based assessment | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Fundamental | 242766 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of operating regulations for high voltage systems | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Fundamental | 14041 | Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding of the Electrical Technology Associated with the Control of Electrical Energy on a Power Generating Unit in the Power Plant | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Fundamental | 114470 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of thermal efficiency in a power plant | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Fundamental | 13600 | Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory requirements for permit to work systems | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 13709 | Apply fundamental reactor engineering principles and theories related to nuclear power generating plant | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 12 |
Elective | 116434 | Control electrical networks from a control centre | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 10 |
Elective | 14057 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of electrical systems and related concepts | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Elective | 254096 | Demonstrate knowledge of corrosion control | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Elective | 13706 | Describe fundamental material science related to brittle fracture and vessel thermal stress in nuclear power plants | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Elective | 13710 | Explain thermodynamic principles and concepts as applied in nuclear power generating plant | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 9 |
Elective | 116453 | Perform operations on high voltage integrated systems | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 4 |
Elective | 14055 | Understand water chemistry in a power plant environment | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Elective | 13806 | Code a web page layout | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 13562 | Control load variation on a fossil fired steam generator from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 7 |
Elective | 13519 | Control Load Variation on a Hydro Power Generating Unit in Pumping Mode from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 13596 | Control load variations on a fossil fired power generation unit from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 9 |
Elective | 13520 | Control Load Variations on a Hydro Power Generating Unit in Generating and Synchronous Compensation Mode from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 13816 | Control Load Variations on a Nuclear Steam Supply Plant from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 11 |
Elective | 13564 | Control load variations on a steam driven turbo-generator from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 13817 | Control Load Variations on a Turbo-Generator Plant from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 7 |
Elective | 255874 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Pulverised Fuel Firing Regulations (PFFR) as applied on fossil fired power generating plants | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Elective | 14907 | Describe the Regulatory Nuclear Safety requirements as applied in nuclear power generating plant | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 1 |
Elective | 14227 | Monitor and Sustain Nuclear Steam Supply Plant from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 13523 | Monitor and Sustain Plant Operability of a Hydro Power Generating Unit from the Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 7 |
Elective | 13572 | Monitor and Sustain Plant Operability of a Steam Driven Turbo-Generator System from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 7 |
Elective | 255894 | Monitor and sustain plant operability on a fossil fired power generating unit from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 16 |
Elective | 13571 | Monitor and Sustain Plant Operability on a Fossil Fired Steam Generator from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 13571 | Monitor and Sustain Plant Operability on a Fossil Fired Steam Generator from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 13525 | Monitor and Sustain Plant Operability on Hydro Power Generation Auxiliary Systems from Control Centres | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 14232 | Preserve Nuclear Steam Supply Plant | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 14233 | Preserve Steam Driven Turbo-Generator Plant | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 13566 | Shut down a fossil fired steam generator from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 13597 | Shutdown a fossil fired power generating unit from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 22 |
Elective | 13819 | Shutdown a Nuclear Steam Supply Plant from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 26 |
Elective | 13568 | Shutdown a steam driven turbo-generator system from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 11 |
Elective | 10899 | Shutdown Hydro Power Generation Auxiliary Systems from Control Centres | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 13521 | Shutdown Hydro Power Generation Unit from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 14230 | Stabilise Out of Normal and or Emergency Condition on a Nuclear Steam Supply Plant from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 57 |
Elective | 13526 | Stabilise Out of Normal and or Emergency Condition on Hydro Power Generation Unit from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 13527 | Stabilise Out of Normal and or Emergency Conditions on Hydro Power Generation Auxiliary Systems | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 11 |
Elective | 14231 | Stabilise Out of Normal and or Emergency Conditions on Nuclear Power Plant Turbo Generating Unit | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 13599 | Stabilise Out of Normal Emergency Conditions on a Fossil Fired Power Generating Unit from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 28 |
Elective | 13573 | Stabilise Out of Normal Emergency Conditions on a Fossil Fired Steam Generator from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 13575 | Stabilise Out of Normal Emergency Conditions on a Steam Driven Turbo-Generator System from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 13804 | Start up Nuclear Steam Supply Plant from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 32 |
Elective | 13811 | Start up Turbo-Generator Plant from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 14 |
Elective | 255895 | Startup a fossil fired power generating unit from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 55 |
Elective | 13558 | Startup a fossil fired steam generator from a control room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 32 |
Elective | 13561 | Startup a Steam Driven Turbo-Generator from a Control Room. | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 21 |
Elective | 13517 | Startup Hydro Power Generating Auxiliary Systems from Control Centres | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 13 |
Elective | 10898 | Startup Hydro Power Generating Unit from a Control Room | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 32 |
When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification. |
This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. |
All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |