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All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |
National Diploma: Orientation and Mobility Practice |
67373 | National Diploma: Orientation and Mobility Practice | |||
SGB Inclusive Education | ||||
ETDP SETA - Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority | OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework | |||
National Diploma | Field 05 - Education, Training and Development | Adult Learning | ||
Undefined | 240 | Level 5 | NQF Level 05 | Regular-Unit Stds Based |
Passed the End Date - Status was "Reregistered" |
SAQA 9999/99 | 2018-07-01 | 2023-06-30 | |
2026-06-30 | 2030-06-30 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. |
This qualification replaces: |
Qual ID | Qualification Title | Pre-2009 NQF Level | NQF Level | Min Credits | Replacement Status |
49087 | National Diploma: Orientation and Mobility Practice for Blind and Partially Sighted Persons | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 248 | Complete |
This qualification is replaced by: |
Qual ID | Qualification Title | Pre-2009 NQF Level | NQF Level | Min Credits | Replacement Status |
121356 | Advanced Occupational Certificate: Orientation and Mobility Practitioner | Not Applicable | NQF Level 06 | 275 | Complete |
The purpose of the Qualification is to ensure that practitioners are capable of enabling persons who are who are blind or partially sighted to be functionally independent by teaching them effective and appropriate orientation, mobility and skills of daily living. Such life skills will empower people who are blind or partially sighted and promote educational, social and economic inclusivity. The Qualification and its components are suited to train professionals who educate and train, as well as non-professionals such as parents and caregivers who are in contact with persons who are blind or partially sighted. The Qualification provides learners with the competencies to advocate for the necessity of Orientation and Mobility competence for people who are blind or partially sighted. The qualified learners will support people who are blind or partially sighted to enhance the quality of their lives, promote inclusion in the community and benefit the economy by adding to the competency pool and employability of people who are blind or partially sighted. An O&M Instructor needs to liaise closely with other professionals, particularly in the fields of health, education and social work, and with the client's family members. Qualified learners will be capable of: Rationale: An Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Practitioner's work in the health and disability sector with people of all ages. O&M clients all have some form of vision impairment. Many have other disabilities too, such as acquired brain injury, hearing loss, intellectual disability and communication difficulties. An Orientation and Mobility Practitioner assesses a client's mobility needs, then develops and delivers individual or group programs which address these needs. O&M Practitioner's monitor clients in dynamic environments, teaching skills and developing concepts which help to increase the client's level of independent travel. They teach the use of specialised aids such as long canes, electronic mobility aids and monoculars. This National Diploma in Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Practice at NQF Level 5 will equip qualified learners with the skills and knowledge to facilitate the independence of persons who are blind or partially sighted to enhance their quality of life. There is currently a wide divide between the number of blind and partially sighted persons that require the services of an O&M Practitioner and the number of qualified and available O&M Practitioners. The availability of this Qualification will positively contribute to bridging this divide. While the continued supply of qualified O&M Practitioners is desired, an increased output is the sector goal. This Qualification will serve to provide the opportunity for this goal to be met. The services of an O&M Practitioner is vital to the blind and partially sighted persons in the South African society as it enhances the quality of their lives. These services involve a wide range of competencies that relate to daily living such as independence, traveling, use of assistive devices and orientation. |
The design and credits of this Qualification are based on the assumptions that learners have already attained the following competencies, before embarking on learning towards this Qualification:
Recognition of Prior Learning: This Qualification can be achieved wholly, or in part, through Recognition of Prior Learning. Evidence can be presented in a variety of forms, including previous international or local Qualifications, reports, testimonials, mentoring, functions performed, portfolios, work records and performance records. As such, evidence is judged according to the general principles of assessment described in the notes to assessors below. Learners who have met the requirements of any Unit Standard that forms part of this Qualification may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning to the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance body (ETQA). The applicant must be assessed against the specific outcomes and with the assessment criteria for the relevant Unit Standards. A Qualification will be awarded should a learner demonstrate that the exit level outcomes of the Qualification have been attained. |
Y |
A minimum of 240 Credits must be achieved for award of the Qualification:
The qualifying learner will select one of the following clusters of unit standards related to each stream of learning: Life Skills stream comprises the following Elective Unit Standards: Workplace Skills stream comprises the following Elective Unit Standards: Recreation/Sport stream comprises the following Elective Unit Standards: Braille and related services stream comprises the following Elective Unit Standards: Children/Youth stream comprises the following Elective Unit Standards: Inclusion Education stream comprises the following Elective Unit Standards: |
1. Understand Orientation and Mobility fundamental knowledge.
2. Orientate self and travel whilst experiencing a visual barrier. 3. Facilitate learning for blind or partially sighted persons. 4. Provide support services to blind and partially sighted persons. Critical Cross-Field Outcomes: The learner is able to demonstrate ability to: |
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
1.1 Stages in the development of children in each domain are described in line with existing theories. 1.2 Factors that enable the development of children in each domain are identified in line with relevant existing theories. 1.3 Medical conditions that may cause loss of vision are evaluated in terms of the impact on the individual. 1.4 Orientation and Mobility intervention programme is developed in relation to medical and other conditions that impact on training. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: 2.1 Environmental information and personal abilities are assessed in order to orientate self in a controlled environment. 2.2 Orientation plan is developed, implemented and evaluated in relation to a specific context and organisational procedures. 2.3 Sighted guide techniques are applied in accordance with client needs and ability as well as Orientation and Mobility practice. 2.4 Pre-cane mobility techniques and adaptations are applied in accordance with client needs and ability as well as Orientation and Mobility practice. 2.5 Cane techniques and adaptations are applied in accordance with client needs and ability as well as Orientation and Mobility practice. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: 3.1 Facilitation is planned, implemented and evaluated in line with selected methodologies associated with blind or partially sighted persons. 3.2 The impact of barriers to learning and development is analysed in relation to the learning process. 3.3 An inclusive learning programme is planned, implemented and evaluated in relation to facilitation of blind or partially sighted persons. 3.4 Daily living skills programme is facilitated in line with the developed programmes and individual requirements. 3.5 Techniques and adaptations used to enhance visual functioning is facilitated according to client needs and preference. 3.6 Travel through a complex route is facilitated using techniques to enhance functional use of vision for persons experiencing low vision. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: 4.1 Maps are planned, constructed and used to facilitate safe and optimal travel along specific routes. 4.2 Supportive techniques, basic assistive devices and adaptations are applied according to individul and/or group requirements. 4.3 Advocacy plans are developed and implemented in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in relation to a specific campaign. 4.4 Referral process is implemented in consultation with the service provider, client and other stakeholders according to organisational procedures. 4.5 A counselling process to counsel an individual is implemented and evaluated using appropriate skills and techniques according to organisational procedures. Integrated Assessment: The assessment criteria of the unit standards are performance-based, assessing applied competence rather than only knowledge, or skills. In addition, learners must demonstrate that they can achieve the outcomes in an integrated manner, dealing effectively with different and random demands related to the environmental conditions in occupational contexts, to qualify. Evidence is required that the learner is able to achieve the exit level outcomes of the Qualification as a whole and thus its purpose, at the time of the award of the Qualification. Workplace experience can be recognised when assessing towards this Qualification. |
Most orientation and mobility Qualifications are delivered in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. South Africa is the only African country with recorded orientation and mobility training.
In the United Kingdom, a two-year Diploma in Higher Education in Rehabilitation Studies is the equivalent of this South African Qualification. It contains an equivalent number of credits (240 credits) at the same level as this Qualification. Competencies addressed in the Qualification are equivalent with the exception of the United Kingdom Qualification addressing competencies related to the management of leisure and recreation, counselling/interpersonal skills (the South African Qualification requires referral to professionals such as psychologists) and reading and writing Grade 2 Braille. The equivalent competencies include (for 20 credits each): The Qualification includes two practice placements. The South African Qualification addresses advocacy, research, travel and orientation through controlled environments whilst experiencing a visual barrier, and business development (elective) competence, not included in the United Kingdom Qualification. The New Zealand framework has a Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation specialising in rehabilitation of the visually impaired (Orientation and Mobility). The Qualification is shorter than the South African Diploma, as it consists of the equivalent of 160 credits, including a practice placement. The Qualification includes: The South African Qualification addresses all the above components, and also advocacy, travel and orientation through controlled environments whilst experiencing a visual barrier, specialisation in orientation and mobility training for children (elective) and business development (also elective). In the United States of America, a degree (equivalent to South African NQF Level 6) and a Master of Arts in Rehabilitation of the Blind specialising in Orientation and Mobility is offered (equivalent to South African NQF Level 7), that is longer than the South African Qualification (between 300 and 360 credits) and includes an internship. The Masters Qualification (closer equivalent to the South African Qualification) includes: The South African Qualification appears to be equivalent-except for rehabilitation teaching and counselling-and addresses competencies not included in the above Master of Arts, such as advocacy, business development, communication, and specialising in training of children. The Australian equivalent offering is the Graduate Diploma in Orientation and Mobility as offered at La Trobe University, Victoria. The duration of the programme on a full-time basis is one year. Students complete 70 hours compulsory placement mid-year. A voluntary internship (180 hours) is undertaken after completion of Semester 2. Students are eligible to graduate without completing this internship, but it is a requirement of the Orientation and Mobility profession in Australia. Units of learning include: This list of learning units suggest a similarity with the South African unit standards on medical conditions, daily living skills, orientation, mapping, assistive devices and facilitation. However, the South African Qualification goes beyond the essentials of Orientation and Mobility to include competencies required to function in an organisation and to provide support services. Conclusion: All the Qualifications compared include the fundamental knowledge of medical conditions that impact on the blind and partially sighted as well as the essential elements of Orientation and Mobility such as independence training, orientation, mobility or travel, low vision, supportive techniques and assistive devices. The South African Qualification differs from these international equivalents in that it goes beyond the narrow focus of the O&M Practitioner to include the competencies to provide a wider array of support services such as advocacy, counselling and referrals. |
The National Diploma in Orientation and Mobility Practice, Level 5 lends itself to both vertical and horizontal articulation. Examples of horizontal articulation:
Examples of vertical articulation: |
Moderation of assessment and accreditation of providers shall be at the discretion of a relevant ETQA as long as it complies with SAQA requirements. The ETQA is responsible for moderation of achievements of learners who meet the requirements of this Qualification. Particular moderation and accreditation requirements are:
Assessment of learner achievements is conducted by providers accredited by the relevant ETQA (RSA, 1998b) for the provision of programs that result in the outcomes specified for this Qualification.
Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor with the ETQA. Assessors registered with the relevant ETQA must carry out the assessment of learners for the Qualification and any of the Unit Standards that make up this Qualification. |
As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. |
As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. This qualification replaces qualification 49087, "National Diploma: Orientation and Mobility Practice for Blind and Partially Sighted Persons", Level 5, 248 credits. |
Core | 119273 | Assist in creating an inclusive environment | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 4 |
Core | 260379 | Assist with planning and implementing advocacy campaigns for primary health care | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 10 |
Core | 252512 | Counsel an individual in a structured environment | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 12 |
Core | 246529 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of assessment in a learning environment | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Core | 115753 | Conduct outcomes-based assessment | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Core | 10292 | Conduct research and liaison relevant to the learning situation | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Core | 264955 | Demonstrate understanding of specific medical conditions that impact on the planning of independence training programmes for blind and partially sighted persons | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Core | 252494 | Develop and use assistive devices for learners experiencing barriers to learning and development | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Core | 264956 | Develop daily living skills to enhance independence in blind and partially sighted persons | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Core | 264958 | Enhance visual functioning of persons with low vision to improve quality of life | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Core | 10289 | Facilitate a programme of learning | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 24 |
Core | 264934 | Map aspects of the environment for persons who are blind and partially sighted | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Core | 264954 | Orientate self to the environment whilst experiencing a visual barrier | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Core | 244610 | Refer a person with a disability to specialised services | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Core | 264935 | Travel through environments whilst experiencing a visual barrier | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Fundamental | 263936 | Apply knowledge of issues of diversity in a specific South African context | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Fundamental | 264937 | Demonstrate understanding of communication methods for blind or partially sighted persons | Level 5 | NQF Level 04 | 15 |
Fundamental | 252027 | Devise and apply strategies to establish and maintain workplace relationships | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Fundamental | 117876 | Write reports regarding learner progress | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 243299 | Adapt available spaces in the community as a sports or fitness facility | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Elective | 120385 | Apply a range of project management tools and techniques | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 7 |
Elective | 252513 | Apply established strategies and procedures to deal with risk behaviour and promote personal wellbeing | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Elective | 252697 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of an individual's rights in a specific helping context | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Elective | 244484 | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Elective | 116493 | Demonstrate understanding of tolerance in human relations | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Elective | 119662 | Describe the relevance of human rights and democratic practices in South African society | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Elective | 117505 | Educate and support parents in childcare | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 12 |
Elective | 254456 | Explain the principles of physical activity in the context of sport or fitness | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 3 |
Elective | 7384 | Facilitate an adult learning event | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 16 |
Elective | 117095 | Facilitate optimal functioning for persons who are blind and partially sighted in controlled environments | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 15 |
Elective | 119272 | Identify levels of support needed for inclusion | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 13 |
Elective | 244475 | Observe and report on child development | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Elective | 242811 | Prioritise time and work for self and team | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Elective | 117863 | Promote health and wellness in a selected context | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 2 |
Elective | 117087 | Read and write Grade 1 (Uncontracted) Braille | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 12 |
Elective | 252491 | Analyse and apply legislation, policies, theory and principles to promote inclusion | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 116495 | Apply ethical principles for practice of non-discrimination | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 10210 | Apply principles of sport and exercise physiology | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 244587 | Coach employers on creating an enabling work environment for an employee with a disability | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 244585 | Coach people with disabilities | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 14480 | Coaching sport to intermediate and/or advanced level performers with disabilities | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 15096 | Demonstrate an understanding of stress in order to apply strategies to achieve optimal stress levels in personal and work situations | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 244570 | Demonstrate knowledge and application of efficient study skills | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 119665 | Demonstrate understanding of the concept of human rights and democracy and its application in society | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 244485 | Design activities to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 119763 | Design learning events | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 252492 | Develop inclusive learning programmes that enable participation of learners experiencing barriers to learning and development | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 252492 | Develop inclusive learning programmes that enable participation of learners experiencing barriers to learning and development | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 10290 | Evaluate, select and adapt published learning materials and develop, use and evaluate own supplementary learning aids | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 116494 | Explain ethical principles for equality of opportunity | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 230441 | Facilitate access to information that impacts on youth development | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 7 |
Elective | 13856 | Facilitate an inclusive educational environment in ECD settings | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 244600 | Facilitate equitable representation of people with a disability in the workplace | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 264936 | Facilitate optimal functioning for persons who are blind and partially sighted in controlled environments | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 264957 | Facilitate the development of quality of life skills of children who are blind and partially sighted | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 20 |
Elective | 244594 | Identify and recommend support needs of people with disabilities | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 252493 | Implement an inclusive learning programme using differentiated techniques | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 10220 | Include persons with disabilities in sport, recreation or fitness activities | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 116928 | Manage diversity in the workplace | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 14 |
Elective | 230442 | Manage youth projects and development processes | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 230443 | Market and promote youth development programmes | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 117857 | Prepare Braille reading readiness | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 117872 | Read and write fully contracted standard Braille in any one language | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Elective | 117845 | Restore and build relationships in dealing with conflict | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification. |
This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. |
1. | South African Guide-Dogs Association for the Blind |
All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |