SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

General Education and Training Certificate: Poultry Production 
49580  General Education and Training Certificate: Poultry Production 
SGB Secondary Agriculture: Processing 
AgriSETA - Agriculture SETA  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 01 - Agriculture and Nature Conservation  Secondary Agriculture 
Undefined  134  Level 1  NQF Level 01  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


The qualification provides learners with the opportunity to gain competence in poultry production and will facilitate their securing employment in the industry. For those who are already employed in a poultry production farm, the multi-skilling that the qualification offers will expand their horizons and allow them to follow career paths in other sectors of the industry.

A learner achieving this qualification will be able to work effectively and productively on a poultry production facility. The qualification will allow the learners to:
  • Care for the poultry environment.
  • Feed, rear and care for poultry.
  • Apply bio-security principles on a poultry farm.
  • Perform basic poultry health care tasks.
  • Operate poultry drinkers and drinking systems.
  • Operate poultry feeders and feeding systems.

    The upskilling of the learners at this level will have a positive impact on the efficiency and profitability of a production unit.


    The qualification addresses the urgent need for adopting nationally accepted standards for the industry, especially within the SMME sector. This will allow them to operate on a more professional basis. The observance of strict health, hygiene and bio-security principles will minimize the risks that these role players currently face.

    This qualification and the resultant skills that are learnt will make a positive contribution to the establishment or improvement of poultry farms in the rural areas that can serve their communities and distant markets.

    The qualification embodies the international requirements for poultry handling and care that will ensure the production of high quality poultry. 

    Learners who would like to access this qualification should have demonstrated competency in Communication and Numeracy at ABET Level 3.

    Recognition of prior learning:

    The qualification may be achieved in part or as a whole through the Recognition of Prior Learning. 


    This qualification consists of a minimum number of 134 credits, composed of:
  • Fundamental: 39
  • Core: 70
  • Electives: 25 

    1. Recognize the various sectors within the poultry industry and the career paths that are available.

    2. Identify the principles of health and safety in poultry production and create an awareness of the potential dangers in the workplace.

    3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the functions of the main external and internal body parts of poultry.

    4. Show an understanding of the raw materials used in poultry diets.

    5. Understand the role and procedures of bio-security and how these are applied in a poultry production facility.

    6. Indicate the necessity of providing poultry with constant clean water for the maintenance of health and growth.

    7. Show an understanding of the effects of environmental conditions on the health and productivity of poultry.

    8. Demonstrate the practices and procedures for the cleaning of poultry buildings and equipment.

    9. Recognise the signs of any abnormal behaviour or condition of poultry as an indication of a disease. 

  • The structures of the poultry egg and meat industries are described.
  • The important role that the poultry industry plays in the provision of meat for the South African population is described.

  • The reasons for the implementation of health and safety in a poultry production facility are explained.
  • The responsibilities of the employer and employee to ensure a safe working environment are described.

  • The functioning and movement of the body parts are explained.
  • The process of blood circulation and breathing are described.
  • The digestion of feed is described.

  • The raw materials that are used in the production of poultry feed are described.
  • The various types of feed and the importance of using the bio-security principles for the prevention of feed wastage are explained.

  • The danger that the microscopic organisms pose to the health of poultry is explained.
  • The bio-security procedures to minimize the occurrence of pathogens on the poultry farm are described.

  • The necessity of water for the body functions and health of poultry is described.
  • The various poultry drinkers, their setting and maintenance is demonstrated.

  • The effect that temperature extremes have on the health and growth of poultry is explained.
  • The importance of ventilation for the health of poultry and the reduction of ammonia formation in the poultry house are described.
  • The effects of photoperiods on the productivity and sexual maturity of poultry are described.

  • The pre-cleaning procedures and removal of all loose equipment are described.
  • The washing and disinfecting of the equipment surfaces in the poultry house are demonstrated.
  • The re-installation of all the loose equipment and the fumigation of the poultry house are explained.

  • The various indications of "disease" and abnormalities in the behaviour of poultry are described.
  • The objectives of vaccination and the various methods of administration are explained.

    Integrated assessment:

    The integrated assessment allows the Learners the opportunity to show that they are able to utilize concepts, ideas and actions across the unit standards. This will allow Learners to achieve competency that is in keeping with the purpose of the qualification.

    An integrated assessment will indicate how theoretical learning is demonstrated in a practical environment in such a way that the application of the work learnt becomes second nature.

    In conducting an assessment, the quality of the performance must also be evaluated i.e.: both the performance and the thinking behind the action must be qualitative.

    The assessment should include both formative and summative options and should use various assessment tools i.e.; not by observation only. It is required that a Portfolio of Assessment form part of the summative assessment, with practical outcomes being demonstrated in a simulated or real work place situation.

    A broad range of task-orientated and theoretical tools may be used, with the distinction between practical knowledge and disciplinary knowledge being maintained.

    It is recommended that the assessment tools give Learners the opportunity to account for their decision-making and problem solving in line with the specific outcomes and related assessment criteria.

    As a result of this qualification being generic in forming the foundation for a career in poultry processing, Learners should be assessed in occupational contexts and activities. The assessment should ensure that the foundational skills are portable and prepare them for further learning, whatever career path they may choose. 

    For levels 2 and 3, the qualifications are internationally comparable with the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, but at Level 1 no generalist qualification exists in these countries.

    Level 1 is uniquely relevant to South Africa as our workforce has a predominantly lower education entry level than the comparable countries and the introduction at this foundational level will facilitate career pathing more readily than at level 2.

    The following New Zealand poultry qualifications were benchmarked against.

    For poultry production the following qualifications were used:
  • Poultry Production Level 2: Ref. 0886. Core 12 and Elective 11 unit standards.
  • Poultry Husbandry Level 3: Ref. 0330. Core 8 and Elective 14 unit standards.

    For poultry processing, no specific qualification is used. The poultry unit standards form part of the generic meat processing qualifications. The following New Zealand unit standards were used:
  • Ref. 18829, 18843, 18851, 18852, 18853, 18854, 18855.
  • Ref. 16104, 16503, 12624, 13491, 20235, 2504.

    In general, the content is similar but the South African standards contain more detail. Their farm and business personnel structure differs to ours in that we have larger staff complements and lower entry levels in the industry.

    Some of the electives in the level 2 and 3 processing qualifications each cover specific processing areas, not machines, in the poultry abattoirs. The poultry industry specifically requested that these unit standards address the two levels, as there are two distinct occupations in each of these areas. This was borne out in the skills profile study that was conducted prior to the generation of the unit standards.

    The machine operators and carcass handlers reside at level 2. They need to gain knowledge of the function and operational duties within the specific department or processing area.

    The supervisors, who reside at level 3 are responsible for production and require a broader perspective and in-depth knowledge to monitor and manage these operations. A close examination of the unit standards will reveal this intent.

    The Poultry Production level one qualification was compared with the following related United Kingdom certificates:
  • MTC Foundation Certificate in Meat and Poultry Hygiene, Level 1: Ref. 100/1502/4.
  • MTC NVQ in Meat and Poultry Processing, Level 2: Ref. 100/3525/4.
  • MTC NVQ in Meat and Poultry Processing, Level 1: Ref. Q1053892. 

    The qualification is designed to provide a structured learning path for employees in the Poultry Production industry in South Africa, be they in employ of commercial farms or as entrepreneurs.

    The qualification would enable employees to move within the poultry industry, between the fields of Production and Processing.

    This Qualification will articulate vertically with the:
  • National Certificate: Abattoir Slaughtering Processes at NQF Level 2.
  • National Certificate: General Abattoir Processes at NQF Level 2.

    While the Production and Processing qualifications diverge as they progress upwards, there remains sufficient common ground for holders of one qualification to be able to be employed in the other field with minimum additional training. 

    Anyone assessing a learner against these unit standards must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA and have experience or in depth knowledge of the poultry processing industry.

    Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of these unit standards or will assess these unit standards must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA. Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines in the relevant qualification and the agreed ETQA procedure.

    Therefore anyone wishing to be assessed against these unit standards may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution which is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    Assessors must:
  • Be accredited as assessors by the relevant ETQA.
  • Have experience of the poultry processing industry or in depth knowledge of the poultry processing industry.
  • Meet any other requirements that may be stipulated by the relevant ETQA. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 


    Core  119416  Apply bio-security in poultry production  Level 1  NQF Level 01  10 
    Core  119391  Apply environmental management practices in poultry production  Level 1  NQF Level 01  12 
    Core  119434  Apply health and safety practices in poultry production  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  119423  Clean a poultry house and its equipment  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  119395  Demonstrate an understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of poultry  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  119412  Demonstrate an understanding of the role of water for poultry production  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  119488  Demonstrate basic knowledge of the poultry industry  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  12203  Demonstrate knowledge of issues relating to HIV and AIDS  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  119431  Maintain the health of poultry  Level 1  NQF Level 01  10 
    Core  15092  Plan and manage personal finances  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  119406  Provide feed and nutrition for poultry  Level 1  NQF Level 01  10 
    Fundamental  7464  Analyse cultural products and processes as representations of shape, space and time  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  7451  Collect, analyse, use and communicate numerical data  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  7449  Critically analyse how mathematics is used in social, political and economic relations  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  14084  Demonstrate an understanding of and use the numbering system  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  7463  Describe and represent objects and the environment in terms of shape, space, time and motion  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  12462  Engage in a range of speaking and listening interactions for a variety of purposes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  12471  Explore and use a variety of strategies to learn (revised)  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  12469  Read and respond to a range of text types  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  7461  Use maps to access and communicate information concerning routes, location and direction  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  7447  Working with numbers in various contexts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  12470  Write for a variety of different purposes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  119448  Brood poultry chicks  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  119404  Care for commercial layers  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  119385  Care for poultry parent stock during production  Level 2  NQF Level 02  15 
    Elective  119421  Handle eggs for setting at a hatchery  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  119397  Handle the collection and storage of the table eggs on the farm  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  119427  Monitor the incubation process in hatcheries  Level 2  NQF Level 02  15 
    Elective  119450  Produce poultry broilers  Level 2  NQF Level 02  15 
    Elective  119498  Rear poultry parent stock to sexual maturity after brooding  Level 2  NQF Level 02  15 
    Elective  119473  Rear pullets for table egg production  Level 2  NQF Level 02  15 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Abambo Agricultual School 
    2. Abanguni College of South Africa 
    3. Abingoni Trading 141 
    4. ACS Academy Pty Ltd 
    6. Adonai Capital and Farming 
    7. Afriedu Skills Academy 
    8. Afrivet Training Services (Pty) Ltd 
    9. Agri Cities Investment Group Pty Ltd 
    10. Agri Skills Transfer (PTY) Ltd 
    11. Agriventions Consulting 
    12. Akhona Skills Fountain and Trading 
    13. Aldabri Agricultural Pty Ltd 
    14. Amahlabangani Catering and Projects 
    15. Apex Training Academy Pty Ltd 
    17. Aubrey Nyiko Business Enterprise cc 
    18. Badiri Training Institute 
    19. Bakgalaka Bakopane (Pty) Ltd 
    20. Bakhuthele Projects Primary Co-Operative 
    21. Balemi Consulting Pty Ltd 
    22. Basenogi Business Consultancy 
    23. Bazofunda Training and Development 
    24. BC Training Academy 
    25. Better Best Agri Development 
    26. Beyond Expectations Investments 2012 (Pty) Ltd 
    27. Bineli farming Enterprise Pty Ltd 
    28. Bintjus Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    29. Bodav Consultancy & Business Enterprise 
    30. Bogelang Trading Enterprise Cc 
    31. Bokamoso Basechaba Professional Solutions Pty Ltd 
    32. Buni Advocacy and Training Services Pty Ltd 
    33. C and J Professional Academy Pty Ltd 
    34. Charis SS Holdings (Pty) Ltd 
    36. Chilogo Agricultural Supplies 
    37. Cobelakufalaza Agricultural Services 
    38. College on Hills (Pty) Ltd 
    39. D.T Nkwane Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    40. Dambanyik Consulting 
    41. Daracorp NPC 
    42. Dee's Training (Pty) Ltd 
    43. Deffinity Training Solutions 
    44. Dicla Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    45. Dieketseng Training Centre (Pty) Ltd 
    46. Digital Dash Pty Ltd 
    47. Dioka Business Consultants 
    48. Diphetogo Consultancy and Projects 
    49. Disego Training and Consultants 
    51. Dynamic Training Centre 
    52. Dzindou Consulting Services 
    53. Ebotse Development and Training Centre 
    55. Emisa Enterprise 
    56. Eskilz College (Pty) Ltd 
    57. Evcob Business Enterprise 
    58. Fair Deal Agricultural Training Centre 
    59. Farm Africa (SA) 
    60. Farmers Hope Pty Ltd 
    61. Farmgro TP 
    62. Fenene's Trading Enterprise 
    63. Fhumu Skills Development and Consultant 
    64. Funzani Training Consultants 
    65. Geomase Services Pty Ltd 
    66. Green Identity (Pty) Ltd 
    67. Gung Boerdry Pty Ltd 
    68. Hanong Trading (Pty) Ltd 
    69. Hidophase Pty Ltd 
    70. Higherway Institute of Learning 
    71. Hlumelelisa 
    73. Hope Nutrition Business Consultancy 
    74. Hydro Projects Pty Ltd 
    75. Hymike Trading Enterprise CC 
    76. I Care Resource Centre 
    77. Ifa Langa Agri Training and Consulting Pty Ltd 
    78. Ignite Trading and Projects Pty Ltd 
    79. Ikemele Egg Production Cc 
    80. Ikhaya Lokukhusela NPC 
    81. Ikhono Community Training 
    82. Ikhwezi Drakensburg Rural & Urban Development Chamber 
    83. Ilogix and management services (Pty) Ltd 
    84. Image Uplifters Trading Enterprise cc 
    85. Imbalenhle Learning Academy cc 
    86. Indalo Agriconsulting and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    87. Ingcali Agricultural Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    88. Ingomso Women Wealth Pty Ltd 
    89. Inhle Skills Dynamics (Pty) Ltd 
    90. Inkcubeko Trading and Projects Pty Ltd 
    91. Innovation College (Pty)Ltd 
    92. Insika Business and Skills Consultants (Pty) Ltd 
    93. Insika Foundation 
    94. Institute For Cooperative and Community Economic Development 
    95. Intando ka Tata Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    96. Inyapa Vhusiku Consulting Pty Ltd 
    97. Isiphephelo Industries (Pty) Ltd 
    98. Itireleng Bokamoso Skills Development 
    99. Itsoseng Training Academy 
    100. Judy and Newie Projects 
    101. Junto Group Pty Ltd 
    102. Kairos Open Learning College 
    103. Kalewe Investment Group 
    105. Kamzila Phezi (Pty) Ltd 
    106. Kara Heritage Institute 
    107. KC3 Trading Pty Ltd 
    108. Kenmab Training Centre 
    109. Kgabo-Seliki Skills Training and Development cc 
    110. Kgalishibe Pty Ltd 
    111. Khanimambo Innovative Solutions Cc 
    112. Khazimlani Trading cc 
    113. Khulisa Training Providers 
    114. Khutakhu Trading cc 
    115. Knowledge For Ever 
    116. Kolong Holdings 
    117. KT Mills cc 
    118. KwaZulu Natal Poultry Institute 
    119. Kwem Management Solutions 
    120. Lablab Agri Professionals 
    121. Langalezulu (Pty) Ltd 
    122. Langalomso Civil Construction 
    123. Latent Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    124. Laumel Business Solution 
    125. Learning at Work 
    126. Leungo Consulting and Training 
    127. Lithala Financial Education NPC 
    129. LSG Developments Pty Ltd 
    130. LUI AGRI 
    131. Lusa Agric Supplies Pty Ltd 
    132. Luzoza Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd 
    133. Ma Vela Consulting (Pty) Ltd 
    134. Madioka Capital Holdings 
    135. Mahlasenola Youth Development Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    136. Makgwati Trading and Projects 
    137. Mamelloletlotlo Business Solutions 
    138. Mandelaville Crisis Commitee 
    139. Mangweni Skills and Training Projects 
    140. Mareleng Business Enterprises 
    141. Matotomana Training & General Trading 
    142. Mbimbini Training and Community Development 
    143. McKenna Golf 
    144. Mentowell (Pty) Ltd 
    145. Metropolitan Engineering College Pty Ltd 
    146. Mlasimbi Catering Primary Cooperative Limited 
    147. Mnami Services and Projects 
    148. Modirisiwa Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    149. Molasba Corporate Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    150. Mopani Training Centre 
    151. Morenas Training Academy (Pty) Ltd 
    152. Morero Agricultural Academy 
    153. Mortarboard Training Solutions 
    154. Moshita Family Agric Primary Co-Operative Limited 
    155. Mothapo Agri Solution Pty Ltd 
    156. Motheo FET College - Central Office 
    157. Mponeng Projects Pty Ltd 
    158. MSD Machaba Accountants Pty Ltd 
    159. MSHL Consulting and Projects Pty Ltd 
    160. MSN Eco Pty Ltd 
    161. Mthombo Agri-Business Institute 
    162. Mvelo Consultant 
    163. Mvuleni Poultry Farm Pty Ltd 
    164. Mxonothem Construction and Trading Cc 
    165. Mzansi Agricultural College 
    166. Mzansi Farming Pty Ltd 
    167. Mzanzi Training Institute 
    168. Naledi Thando Pty Ltd 
    170. Ndikhondinani Skills Development 
    171. Nematodzi Investment (Pty) Ltd 
    172. Networx for Career Development 
    173. New Heights 1082 
    174. Ngwato Wa Mphela Agriculture Training Services 
    175. Nkoanapula Trading & Projects 
    177. Nonjundu Construction and Trading Cc 
    178. NTF Electrical and Training 
    179. Ntombazi Consulting (Pty) Ltd 
    180. Omiya Training and Projects 
    181. Omuso Pty Ltd 
    182. OPHIR Business Enterprise 
    183. Oraculi (Pty) Ltd 
    184. Perfect Positions Investment 20 
    185. Peritum Agri Institute 
    186. Phidza Construction Suppliers and General Trading (Pty) Ltd 
    188. Phophi Na Tshikaho Trading Enterprise 
    189. Pontsana Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    190. Potchefstroom College of Agriculture 
    191. Poultry Harvest 
    192. Prempie Business Solutions Pty Ltd 
    193. Preverving Thought Trading and Projects 
    194. Profimax Enterprises 
    195. Prove Alone Agricultural Development Services (Pty) Ltd 
    196. Qhakaza Academy 
    197. Rainbow Hills Training Institute Pty Ltd 
    198. Ramarumo Trading and Projects Pty Ltd 
    199. Raphael Technologies 
    200. Re Simolotse (Pty) Ltd 
    201. Redeeming Time Multi Skills Training Services 
    202. Redefined Skills Training & Development (Pty) Ltd 
    203. Rekopane Training Centre CC 
    204. Ruach Management Consulting Pty Ltd 
    205. SA Agri Academy 
    206. Saycool Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd 
    207. SBJ Shadikamang Agriculture 
    208. Scientific Roots (Pty) Ltd 
    209. Sebolaishi Training Solutions (Pty) Ltd 
    210. Sego Hludi Trading Enterprise 
    211. Seshupanako Trading and Projects Pty Ltd 
    212. Shadtonez Projects Pty Ltd 
    213. Shibishi Farming and Projects 
    214. Shitakani Trading and Projects 
    215. Sifikile Business Enterprise 
    216. Silver Falls Scientific 
    217. Siphumezulwazi Consulting (Pty) Ltd 
    218. Skilled Future 
    219. SNNB Trading & Projects 
    220. South African Advanced Skills Institute 
    222. SPLS Consultants (Pty) Ltd 
    223. Stecor Farming (Pty) Ltd 
    224. Sure Leyo (Pty) Ltd 
    225. Swazi Hlubi Enterprise Pty Ltd 
    226. Sxazululo Enterprise 
    227. Tau Tau Training Enterprises Pty Ltd 
    228. TCEP (Pty) Ltd 
    229. TDMK's 
    230. Thabolwenkosi Investments (pty) Ltd 
    231. Thaliwe's Trading Enterprise 
    232. Thambalanga Trading (Pty) Ltd 
    233. The Masters Global Solutions Pty Ltd 
    234. The Renaissance National Skills Development Centre 
    235. Theater of Expects and Projects Pty Ltd 
    236. Thembeni Skills Development Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    237. Tian Civils and Costruction Pty Ltd 
    238. Timali cc 
    239. Tirisano Ya Bakwena Consultants Cc 
    240. Tloumogale Business Development & Consulting 
    241. Toutele Agriculture College South Africa Pty Ltd 
    242. TPLR and Training Services (PTY) LTD 
    243. TPN Training and Recruitment cc 
    244. Tran Atlantic Construction 
    245. TRD Investment Pty Ltd 
    246. Triple Desire Trading and Projects 173 CC 
    247. Tripple 000 Trading Cc 
    248. Tripple R Training Provider 
    249. Tshirologo Disability Training Services Pty Ltd 
    250. Tshitwamulomoni Trading and Projetcs (Pty) Ltd 
    251. Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute 
    252. Twoline Training Skills For Africa Pty Ltd 
    253. Tyme Training and Development 
    254. Ubuntu Farm College 
    255. Ukhamba Quality Skills 
    256. Ukundiza Development Institute NPC 
    257. Ulwazolubanzi Skills Development Initiatives (Pty) Ltd 
    258. Umbuso Training Services 
    259. Umgqomo Trading 
    260. Umhlaba Agri Farms (Pty) Ltd 
    261. Umthombolwazi Consultants Cc 
    262. Uncedo Administration Hub 
    263. Vuka Sizwe Community Development Pty Ltd 
    264. Vuyani Agri (Pty) Ltd 
    265. VV & Mashona Projetcts 
    266. Welingtons Construction Pty Ltd 
    267. Womiwu Rural Development 
    268. Yazini Leadership Consultants 
    269. YDN Academy Projects Pty Ltd 
    270. Yikhonolakho Women and Youth Primary Co-Operative Limited 
    271. Yimisa Projects Pty Ltd 
    272. Zabusa Trading Cc 
    273. Zanozi Trading cc 
    274. Zapa Farm 
    275. Zazi's Productions 
    276. Zetalogix cc 
    277. Zilungisele Business Enterprise cc 
    278. Zodwa Skills Development and Projects 
    279. Zwavhumbwa Trading Enterprises 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.