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All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |
National Certificate: Management |
61594 | National Certificate: Management | |||
SGB Generic Management | ||||
The individual Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary for each Learning Programme recorded against this qualification is shown in the table at the end of this report. | OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework | |||
National Certificate | Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies | Generic Management | ||
Undefined | 120 | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | Regular-Unit Stds Based |
Passed the End Date - Status was "Reregistered" |
SAQA 0160/05 | 2006-05-02 | 2009-05-02 | |
2010-05-02 | 2013-05-02 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. |
This qualification is replaced by: |
Qual ID | Qualification Title | Pre-2009 NQF Level | NQF Level | Min Credits | Replacement Status |
59201 | National Certificate: Generic Management | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 162 | Complete |
The Qualification is applicable to all people in management across all sectors as the Fundamental and Core Components deal with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required by all managers in all economic sectors where a management function has to be exercised. Learners will deal with specific sectoral or sub-field competency requirements through the selection of appropriate Unit Standards for the Elective Component.
The purpose of the Qualification is to build Generic Management competencies that enable managers to: 1. Strive for excellence and to aspire towards best practice in any organisation. 2. Meet all related legislative requirements and environmental factors affecting teams and organisations 3. Meet the need for change within a diverse working environment 4. Interact with all role players and to ensure sound communications 5. Apply the basics of good planning, organising and leading of teams, divisions and departments in organisations 6. Be creative and innovative thereby creating desirable solutions to the benefit of organisations 7. Think strategically when forecasting, planning and marketing 8. Effectively and appropriately use information and systems 9. Demonstrate financial awareness in meeting the goals of the organisation Learners will be able to apply the above-mentioned competencies to the specific sector in which they are employed. This Qualification will allow a learner to obtain a nationally recognised Qualification in Management. It will set a standard for professionalism within management across all economic sectors, which will also assist in attracting and retaining quality learners. This Qualification will also provide for the recognition of prior learning by allowing learners to obtain credits for knowledge and skills that they already possess and so obtain the Qualification in whole or in part through such recognition. The Qualification supports the objectives of the National Qualifications Framework in the following ways: RATIONALE FOR THE QUALIFICATION The National Certificate in Management at NQF Level 5 is designed to meet the needs of those learners who are already involved in management or who enter the management domain at a first line manager or middle management level. The typical learner who will access this Qualification will be a person who has to supervise other managers, supervisors and/or team leaders. The learner`s job title will vary from organization to organization depending upon the nature, internal organization and size of the organization. Titles such as supervisor, first line manager, junior manager and even middle manager might apply to the position held by the typical learner of this Qualification. This type of manager will spend approximately half of the available work time managing but will also spend time performing the functions that the people who are being managed perform. This Qualification is a response to the workplace need for competent managers across all economic sectors. The current and future need for competent managers has been expressed by employers and employees. The skills, knowledge, attitudes and values required by managers are captured in this Qualification. This National Certificate in Management Level 5 provides the learner with the necessary competencies to be employed in various managerial roles in any economic sector. It will also enable the Learner to pursue different career opportunities as many of its competencies are generic enough to be applicable to other career paths and job roles. This National Certificate is structured in such a away that it gives learners exposure to a broad set of Core competencies while the Electives, which may be chosen from any economic field, allow for competence in the learner`s current work environment or chosen future work environment. |
Learners should be competent in Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF 4 or equivalent.
RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING The structure of this Unit Standard based Qualification makes the Recognition of Prior Learning possible. If the learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this Qualification the appropriate credits should be assigned to the learner. Recognition of Prior Learning will be done by means of Integrated Assessment as mentioned in the previous paragraph. This Recognition of Prior Learning may allow: This Qualification may be achieved in part or in whole through the recognition of prior learning, which includes formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience. |
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This National Certificate in Management at NQF level 5 consists of Unit Standards, which are Fundamental, Core and Elective. The Qualification will have a minimum of 120 credits of which 30 credits are Fundamental, 64 credits are Core and a minimum of 26 credits are in the Elective component. The Elective standards may be chosen from already registered Unit Standards, or from Unit Standards still to be generated, in any field in which the learner works and which will contribute to the learner`s efficiency as a manager or as an employee in that specific field.
In this Qualification the credits are allocated as follows: Fundamental 30 credits 25% Core 64 Credits 53% Elective 26 credits 22% MOTIVATION FOR NUMBER OF CREDITS ASSIGNED TO FUNDAMENTAL, CORE AND ELECTIVE COMPONENTS Fundamental Component: All Unit Standards in this Component are compulsory. These Unit Standards will add value to learners both socially and economically in terms of their ability to operate as literate and numerate people and more especially as managers in a global economy. Core Component: The Unit Standards classified as Core describe the generic managerial competence applicable to all managers in all organisations in any economic sector. They are for all managers who operate at this level. The Unit Standards require application of knowledge and skills in real situations. All these Unit Standards are compulsory. Elective Component: Learners are required to select Electives that add up to at least 26 credits from Unit Standards listed below. The Electives listed below are from the fields of Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Accounting and Marketing, all of which provide the learner with knowledge and skills which aid the management of a section/division/department. Learners may also select Elective Unit Standards from the sector in which they are employed or in which they show a particular interest. |
The Outcomes are specified in terms of a combination of Specific and Critical Cross-Field Outcomes as defined in the different Unit Standards. On achieving this Qualification, a learner is able to:
1. Develop and implement a strategy and action plan for a team, division or department through: 2. Apply best practice and performance improvement measures to the work plans of the section/division/department in order to reach the objectives of the team/division/section/department which contribute to the success of the organisation as a whole 3. Devise and implement management processes that enable him/her to monitor the achievement of objectives of the team, division or department 4. Manage a division/department`s work programme so that tasks are prioritised and finished according to schedule using efficient time management techniques that minimise the effect of time wasters. 5. Lead a team of people involved in operations in order to enhance individual and team performance and achieve the objectives of the team, division or department through: 6. Initiate new projects and see to their implementation in the work plan so as to enhance the effectiveness of the section/division/ department and to reap the benefits for the group associated with the successful implementation of new projects 7. Interact effectively with all role players to ensure sound communication through: 8. Use systems effectively and appropriately in achieving the objectives of the team, department or division 9. Apply sound financial management practices and techniques including: 10. Identify the need for change and Implement change within a team, department or division to ensure that the group remains abreast of current needs and demands 11. Organise training and development programmes and create an environment conducive to skills development to enhance the skills level of individuals and the team as a unit. |
1. Develop and implement a strategy and action plan for a team, division or department through:
2. Apply best practice and performance improvement measures to the work plans of the section/division/department in order to reach the objectives of the team/division/section/department which contribute to the success of the organisation as a whole 3. Devise and implement management processes that enable him/her to monitor the achievement of objectives of the team, division or department 4. Manage a division/department`s work programme so that tasks are prioritised and finished according to schedule using efficient time management techniques that minimise the effect of time wasters. 5. Lead a team of people involved in operations in order to enhance individual and team performance and achieve the objectives of the team, division or department through: 6. Initiate new projects and see to their implementation in the work plan so as to enhance the effectiveness of the section/division/ department and to reap the benefits for the group associated with the successful implementation of new projects 7. Interact effectively with all role players to ensure sound communication through: 8.. Use systems effectively and appropriately in achieving the objectives of the team, department or division 9. Apply sound financial management practices and techniques including: 10. Identify the need for change and Implement change within a team, department or division to ensure that the group remains abreast of current needs and demands 11. Organise training and development programmes and create an environment conducive to skills development to enhance the skills level of individuals and the team as a unit. Formative assessment: The assessment criteria for formative assessment are described in the various Unit Standards. Formative assessment takes place during the process of learning and assessors should use a range of assessment methods and tools that support each other to assess total competence. These tools include the following: Assessment tools must encourage learners to give an account of the thinking and decision-making that underpins their demonstrated performance. Some assessments will be of a more practical nature others will be more theoretical. The assessment method and/or tools used by the assessor must be fair so as not to hinder or advantage a specific learner, valid in that it measures what it intends to measure, reliable in that it is consistent and delivers the same output across a range of learners and practical so that it takes into account the available financial resources, facilities, equipment and time. Learners will produce evidence of the following: The key to successful assessment in the field of Generic Management lies in on-going formative assessment. There will need to be a continuous process of evaluation of results achieved which will include the demonstration of all the outcomes in the context where learners carry out their management function. Summative assessment: Summative assessment may be carried out internally by the provider, but in accordance with the guidelines of the relevant ETQA and subject to moderation by the ETQA in question. Summative assessment is used to assess the overall achievement by the learner of the exit level outcomes. A detailed portfolio of evidence can be used to prove the practical, applied and foundational competencies of the learner as part of both the formative and summative assessment processes. The overall integration of the Fundamental and Core Unit Standards with the Elective Unit Standards in the learner`s working context is critical, and will ultimately show the impact of the Qualification on improving management competence. Co-operation between two ETQAs might be required, to assess and moderate the Fundamental and Core Competencies on one hand and the Elective competencies chosen from the workplace sector on the other hand. INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT The applied competence (practical, foundational and reflective competencies) of this Qualification will be achieved if a learner is able to achieve all the exit level outcomes of the Qualification. The identification and solving of problems, working in a team, organising self, using data, understanding the implications of actions and reactions in the world as a set of related systems must be assessed using a combination of practical, foundational and reflexive competency assessment methods and tools. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience. Integrated assessments should assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflective competencies. Formative and summative assessment must be used to determine the development of the whole person and the integration of applied knowledge and skills in the field of management. While assessment should be done in an integrated manner, certain Exit Level Outcomes will be measured and verified through assessment criteria assessed in one application. Assessors should check that the learner can demonstrate an ability to consider a range of options, make decisions and apply the above listed skills and knowledge skills in an integrated manner in a management environment. |
The Qualification was benchmarked against management Qualifications in Britain, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand, and was found to be comparable with other Qualifications at this level, in terms of the outcomes and assessment criteria, specifically the New Zealand Qualification entitled, National Diploma in Business (level 5). |
This Qualification articulates well with all management qualifications at Certificate, Diploma and Bachelors Degree Level, as well as with qualifications in Project Management and Education Management. There would be easy articulation with the following Qualifications:
For an applicant to register as an assessor for this qualification, the applicant should:
This qualification has been replaced by qualification 59201, which is "National Certificate: Generic Management", Level 5, 162 credits. |
Core | 15234 | Apply efficient time management to the work of a department/division/section | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15236 | Apply financial analysis | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15237 | Build teams to meet set goals and objectives | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15231 | Create and use a range of resources to effectively manage teams, sections, departments or divisions | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15216 | Create opportunities for innovation and lead projects to meet innovative ideas | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15219 | Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15238 | Devise and apply strategies to establish and maintain relationships | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15224 | Empower team members through recognising strengths, encouraging participation in decision making and delegating tasks | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15233 | Harness diversity and build on strengths of a diverse working environment | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15215 | Identify and interpret Best Practice guidelines, and plan for and implement Best Practice within the team, department or division | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15225 | Identify and interpret related legislation and its impact on the team, department or division and ensure compliance | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15229 | Implement codes of conduct in the team, department or division | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15226 | Implement systems to meet the flow of information in a team, department or division | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15223 | Implement training needs for teams and individuals to upgrade skills levels | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15230 | Monitor team members and measure effectiveness of performance | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 15235 | Prepare and conduct staff selection interviews | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15214 | Recognise areas in need of change, make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Core | 15220 | Set, monitor and measure the achievement of goals and objectives for a team, department or division within an organisation | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Fundamental | 7468 | Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Fundamental | 8647 | Apply workplace communication skills | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Fundamental | 7876 | Conduct on-the-Job-Training | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Fundamental | 7863 | Manage staff development | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 10043 | Develop, implement and manage a project/activity plan | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 11907 | Draft an employment contract | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Elective | 13015 | Draft financial statements | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 10054 | Identify and manage areas of customer service impact | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 11286 | Institute disciplinary action | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 12989 | Make and record payments | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 11909 | Monitor and advise on substantive conditions of employment and related rights and obligations in an organisation | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 10052 | Monitor handling of customers by frontline customer service | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 12997 | Prepare financial reports and returns | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 14525 | Present an informed argument on a current issue in a business sector | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 12996 | Record, analyse and prepare cost information | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Elective | 12140 | Recruit and select candidates to fill defined positions | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 9 |
When qualifications are replaced, some of their learning programmes are moved to being recorded against the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replacement. |
LP ID | Learning Programme Title | Originator | Pre-2009 NQF Level |
NQF Level | Min Credits | Learning Prog End Date | Quality AssuranceFunctionary |
NQF Sub-Framework |
24493 | National Certificate: Management | Generic Provider - Field 03 | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 120 | SERVICES | OQSF |
This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. |
All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |